


Summer arrival is just arrival of warmth and motivation in life as winter just freezes and blocks many works of normal routine. The time of summer is time to restart previous unaccomplished tasks. At the same time blazing sun affects human and other creatures intensively. The furious sun can harm your skin and at the same time can damage your hairs badly.
Dandruff, tediousness and heavy hair fall, a lot of hair problems brought by summer. Your hairs just got fried due to sun warmth as a dermatologist said that ultraviolet rays actually “COOK THE HAIR SHAFT”. These ultraviolet rays cause hair dryness. You must have information about protection of hair from sun, heat and moisture to avoid unending fight.
Trim, Trim:
Welcome summer by trimming rough and dried hairs to get rid of fragmented ends. You should get hair trimming in mid-season. Fragmented ends reduce hairs growth. Hair growth increase in last spring and summer so to give development to your hairs that is dream of almost every girl must trim you hairs.
Cover your head:
Just avoid exposing your head before heated sun. Try to use head scarf or hat whenever you are outside. This will not only provide UV protection but it will also help your scalp to retain moisture. Head scarfs or hats basically damage controllers for hair. Get various ways that are in to wear scarves or hats to get a glamorous look.
Wash less:
To keep hair clean it is essential to wash them as excessive moisture weeks the roots of hair and it will cause hair fall. But wash hair in routine may cause damage by removing natural oils produced by scalp, called sebum. Prefer to use homemade shampoo like cornstarch if you find it difficult to get right hair product for your hair. 
Lower the heat:
In winter to dry hairs without dryer is really wastage of time especially for some females but summer is ideal to dry hair in their natural touch. Try to squeeze out water from hair gently, if there is essential to use dryer, use nozzle. If blow-dry of hair on your arm is burning your skin it will scorch your hairs.
Eliminate nasty green pool hair:
Hair exposure to chlorinated green pool may damage your hair health badly. This chlorinated water may affect colored and natural both type of hair. Let me discuss the secret to protect hair while swimming: before going to pool moisture your hair even with the regular conditioner. If you swim recurrently just go for special hair products made for swimmers. These products are designed by using professional formula so they will remove harmful chemicals cause green hair in swimmers.
Hair Braids, comfortable styles:
The summer humidity demands for gentle braids. Everyone love to get different hair styles but positioning hair high and the tight braids can bring implausible harm to hair in summer when hairs incline to dry. To keep less exposure to sun and control hair the ideal braid is messy braid. Don’t worry about its perfection as its natural look will make you decent and great.
Conditioning treatments:
Man cannot survive without water but hairs cannot stay healthy without moisture. “Conditioner for hair is like water for body. You must need to add moisture even if you are dry shampoo fan. Before selection of hair product must recognize your hair type, get help of your hair stylist. The selection of hair product without getting hair type is just like get dress without knowing your dress size. Coconut oil is preferred to use and after hair washing de-frizz and moisture your hairs. Hair gets shine due to oil.
Source By Fashion Central .

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