


All women seek perfect, flawless skin and in order to achieve this they make use of almost all the beauty and skincare products that are sold at stores in the market. Little do they realize that in this way they are not doing any good to themselves but instead harming their skin.
It has to be realized that the chemicals and bleach content used in the products do help in instant glow but long term affects are bad and not too appropriate. Here it must be emphasized that nourishing natural remedies is the best solution to the question of how to protect your face from the sun. We have chosen to share with you the more relevant and useful face packs that will enhance the skin glow and add to skin health.
Most Helpful Face Packs for Fairer Skin by Using Natural Ingredients:
Make sure that your skin enjoys the feel of natural items such as honey, milk, yogurt and fruits. This will help the skin to glow from within.
Apply Honey and Milk Pack Combination
The touch of milk and honey is advisable. What good honey does to the skin is well known Infact it is the remedy provided by Nature. Mix of honey with pure milk is certainly the best face pack that results in glowing skin. Honey even eliminates acne and pimples.
As for Raw milk it acts as a skin cleanser that improves complexion. The ingredients to be used are one table spoon honey, one table spoon raw milk. These can be mixed in a glass bowl and applied to the face. Then you can massage for 2 minutes in soft, circular motion, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes and wash off thoroughly with water.
Combination of Orange Peel and Sandalwood Pack
It needs to be highlighted that orange peel contains much more vitamin C compared to the pulp? It is also a rich source of calcium. Vitamin C is essential for neutralizing the skin damage caused by the harmful free radicals and oxidative stress.
This provides a nature oriented remedy and results in removal of blackheads on nose and further removal of dark patches and suntan and improve skin tone effectively. No doubt Sandalwood is an old and tested remedy for skin problems. What you have to do is take one spoon of orange peel powder and one spoon of sandalwood powder, mix them and then proceed to apply on face and neck followed by 5 minutes’ massage to be left for 15 minutes and the water washed.
Pack of Tomato and Cucumber
Tomatoes are a vegetable commonly used but we are not aware of its value addition beauty capability. These can be effectively used in a fairness face pack to add to the skin tone naturally. The antioxidant lycopene present in tomatoes acts as a natural sunscreen and soothes the skin against sunburn. The result is a natural glow to dull, lifeless skin.
The pack can be prepared by mixing one small tomato with half peeled cucumber, then mashed till a paste is ready and apply on clean face. Staying time is 20 minutes and thereafter wash with water.
Source By Fashion Central .

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