


Hair TipsHair Spa

very girl desires to have hair that looks beautiful with ample lustre. The desire for beautiful hair is not uncalled for but what is associated with such a desire is the need for applying care and good maintenance practices.
Mind you the hair respond to tenderness and devoted love and care and the result is healthy hair devoid of problems. This of course means that we should not expect the tresses to give a healthy look if we ignore them and fail to pay attention. Another important aspect is that we must depend upon natural hair care ingredients and thus avoid and prevent damage to the hair by use of chemicals.
We share with you essential and results oriented hair spa using natural ingredients.
First of all the definition of Hair spa. Well this refers to a hair treatment session lasting 40 to 45 minutes and the objective is to repair and undo the damage that your hair undergoes because of exposure to sun and effect of environmental pollution and dust. Such a hair spa session at home infuses life into the hair and gives them a look of health and considerable sparkle and at the same time solves quite a few hair adversities related to malnourished- dull looking hair, brittleness and hair with split ends.
The procedure is as follows.
1. Step one of the spa at home involves massaging the scalp with nourishing oil. While there are other options too, the recommended one is olive oil because of its appropriate texture and ability to penetrate the hair strands easily. In this regard coconut oil or Almond oil are good options too.
2. Give time to the oil to get absorbed in the hair roots. The time given should be about 2 hours as this will nourish the scalp to the required extent. Complement this by wrapping a towel dipped in warm water. Towel heat allows the oil contents to seep in deep in hair strands. As a result of this treatment, hair becomes manageable and less frizzy.
3. Once the absorption process is complete, proceed with a pre shampoo nourishment to your hair strands by using any one of the following hair mask recipes.
- This recipe involves preparation of a simple hair mask and has to done by mixing equal quantities of mashed banana and honey. The hair pack enables attaining a soft, shiny look and also enables getting rid of split ends.
- Another method is to make a nourishing hair mask. In this case add some olive oil to egg white and use this hair mask for half an hour for smooth and shiny hair locks.
- One more method is to mix coffee grounds with milk powder and warm water. The paste can then be applied.

4. Use a mild shampoo to wash the hair. Ensure that the shampoo suits your hair. As a last rinse, use juice of half a lemon and apple cider vinegar diluted in cool water. Then follow with a conditioner that suits your hair. Apply the conditioner on the lengths of your hair and not the scalp. Let it stay for 3 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly.
Remember that it is possible to prepare a hair conditioner at home. This is simple to do. Just boil some tea leaves in water and use the water for hair rinsing. More can be achieved by adding a few drops of olive oil to coconut water and preparing a mixture. By spraying this on hair strands that are moist, a chemical free hair hydration therapy becomes possible.

Source By Fashion Central .

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