


Pakistan Fashion Week 5 Londonbuild self confidence

Confidence is a trait that is essential for kids also. It might appear surprising but kids are expected to show confidence during the earlier years also. And the test starts from the moment they step into the school for the first time and this is followed by many other occasions whenconfidence of the child comes into play.
Naturally, parents who are aware of this attribute, go ahead and initiate instilling a can-do attitude in the kids. By doing so the parents succeed in making the kid realize that they have the ability to take on new challenges in a brave way and as a result of this they start to believe in themselves. Most relevant to this is the fact that each child is a little different, from the other and to make sure that proper handling of the child is done, parents can follow general guidelines that will ensureconfidence building of kids.
It must be recognized that self-confidence is the off shoot of a sense of competence. Confidence in the kids develops as a result of their achievements and not the parents saying to them that they are great. These achievements can be small or even big and emphasis has to be laid on the specific efforts of the child or new abilities that become visible in the child. Abstract words of praise are not enough.
Achievements of kids can include brushing teeth on their own, or hitting a ball with a tennis racket or even getting on a bike and riding it without falling. These activities give the kids a good sense about themselves and they start to feel able and this triggers their confidence feel.
The confidence building of the kids can be cultivated very early. When little ones show interest in devices like the tablet and learn to turn the pages of a book, the feeling of self-ability starts to get injected. Even when toddlers turn to walking on their own, the feeling of achievement is there. So acquisition of each new skill results in development and even boost of confidence.
It is the responsibility of parents to provide multi opportunities to the kids to first practice a new skill and subsequently master it via practice. Mistakes are likely to appear but the important aspect is to keep trying. As for the parents they must react excitedly when kids come up with a show of their achievements. A reward for a good effort is called for too.
Kids can learn and be adroit at basic skills but this will only become possible if parents provide ample opportunities for skills learning and back it up with clear and understandable instruction. Skills like tying of shoe laces, making of the bed are relevant examples. Success in smaller areas bring forth and enhance confidence levels and kids then on their own approach bigger challenges as they know they have succeeded elsewhere.
Source By Fashion central .

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