


Hair Tips, Beauty Tipshair care habits

We all have dreams with regard to the condition of our hair. Certainly we urge for a hair condition that is bouncy and carries a shine of glory. Whether that is possible or not might be a little doubtful in many cases but the important aspect is that if proper attention is not paid to hair maintenance, they are likely to become dull and lifeless.
So it is necessary that care is taken to avoid that. And in this article we have for your essential night time hair care habits that have to be avoided to keep the hair healthy and trouble free.
1. Do not sleep with wet hair - Sleeping with wet hair can be the cause of a cold or sore throat plus it can result in infections. It must be kept in mind that the pillow case is the breeding ground of bacteria. Yes, the bacteria is not visible but it is there and when hair are wet, it becomes a place that provides bacteria a space to breed.
In turn scalp infections and dandruff raise their head and bring forth unwanted troubles.
2. Hair Tying with clips - While hair ties are better, the Hair clips have a harsh effect and damage the hair shaft. Hair clips also cause discomfort and sleep is disturbed. A better option is to tie the hair into a loose bun or plait.
3. Do not brush too much - It is not necessary to brush the hair too much as it will be the cause of hair fall. The better option is to just massage the scalp with fingers at night and do it gently. This will improve the blood flow and improve the health of the scalp.
4. Make use of an appropriate brush - By using an appropriate brush, the hair health becomes better. A wide toothed comb or a hair brush with boar bristles may be used as they are gentle and ensure that natural oils are evenly distributed along the hair scalp and shaft.
5. Roots Combing - Roots combing is just not right as this creates tangles, makes the hair weak and hair fall is the result. The correct way is to start brushing your hair is somewhere at the 1/3rd ends of your hair and when this part is tangle-free you can move upward.
6. Do not leave hair open - During the course of sleep, the position does not remain the same all night. In the course of sleep positions change and there are twists and turns.
And if the hair are kept open we are asking for trouble which includes losing hair. Make sure that when you go to sleep the hair are tied   in a loose braid or bun.
Source By Fashion Central .

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