


The first simple method is that when you wake up and have a feel of the hot brew, you must opt for the first sip and then use the left over coffee and make it a part of your beauty routine.
In this regard it is necessary to share and explain that the brown left over can we used for varied homemade beauty treatments. You will find these really natural, besides the facts that they are convenient and not costly. 
Let’s share with you ten easy ways.
1. You can use the option of mixing up the coffee grounds, as an exfoliating scrub. A feature of the coffee grounds is that they have good consistency and act as an enabler that yields benefits to dry and dull skin.
The mixing can be done with coconut oil, drops of vanilla extract and the scrubbing can be done on the body and legs. This will help to make the skin smooth and soft.
2. Coffee mix can be used to improve eyes that are puffy. No doubt coffee helps to energies the brain, yet at the same time it can do wonders for your skin. In the morning when you make coffee, choose to collect the leftover grounds and let them cool. After it has cooled it can be applied under the eyes and left like that for twenty minutes. The look of unpleasant eye bags will go away.
3. The mix can also be used to scrub the feet. You will like the way the feet start to look smooth and soft and very neat. In addition the coffee grounds can be mixed with mashed banana and use on the feet to help get rid of dead and calluses skin.
4. Another use of the mixture is that it can help to maintain dark hair color in case the hair have been dyed dark brown or black, the coffee rinse will help the color to be retained for a long time.
5. Use the mix to clean up your fingers and remove from them the smells picked up during cooking. In particular if you have been touching onions or garlic, chances are that there maybe an unpleasant smell. Through this mix the unpleasantness can be eliminated.
6. Make use of the mix as a face mask. Without doubt the coffee face mask can improve your complexion and leave the skin soft. The method is to mix two spoons of coffee grounds with similar quantity coco powder, further add three spoons of yogart and honey.
It is important to blend the ingredients and there after the mixture can be applied to the face. It has to be left there for around fifteenth minutes and then washed off.
7. the coffee mix also serves as a solution for ageing. In case the wrinkles or fine lines has begun to bother you, opt for the coffee solution and stop worrying. Regularly massage the face and your worries will go away.
Source By Fashion Central .

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